Monthly Archive: May 2009

Edwarduo Izzarduo

Went to see Eddie Izzard at the Lancaster Grand this evening, which starts of odd anyway, why you ask yourself? Let me tell you.

Lancaster rarely gets any big name acts, this is because it is a small, almost provincial (to use a term), city in the far North of England that has a moderately small population and no huge venues aside from the Great Hall at the University.

So why was he here. Well he is doing a tour in advance of the European elections in a fortnight and he is playing a host of provincial towns, mostly he was here to host and chair an event at the Nuffield Theatre at the University of Lancaster, and so while here he ran an hour-long (actually was about 90 mins) show at the Lancaster Grand, starting late at night – 10:30 p.m..

Now, strangely enough i knew nothing about the tour, very few people did. Last week I was idling in the SC reserved chat room when one of the people there posted that he was on at the Grand as he had saw it on Twitter. I instantly went to the booking site and grabbed as many tickets as I could (7) and almost jumped for joy. The chance to see Eddie Izzard in a small theatre was just awesome.

I made sure I grabbed two tickets for the Parental Units as they are fun-loving theatre folk. In fact, Steph, is the Theatre Technician at the Nuffield Theatre at the University. So when I contacted Steph she said, great, that's interesting as I will be spending a good deal of the day with Eddie as he s at the university first.

Onto the gig. Eddie was excellent. Truly funny. And showing no hint of losing his surreal and yet provocative edge (as the man himself says, and this is a bad misquote/paraphrase:

…it is like that great thing Python does, to make the small a huge deal and to hide the large issues as almost trivial items…

So, after the gig, Steph grabbed us and insisted we race out of the Theatre (losing some of the people we went with) and round to the theatre door where there was a crowd of people already gathered. Steph was on the phone and then announces that she has been talking to the Tour Manager and we "were in", which meant, to some very surprised people who had to be informed we knew the Tour Crew, that we went to the door itself where we were checked in by the tour manager and checked over by the large bouncer who only let us in.

Then we met Milord of Izzard, Master Eddie.


There were only two other people in the room with us and Eddie, who Steph introduced us to.

Then we had a bit of a chat, and part of that chat was working out how far North was in regard to Leeds (which was the furthest North he had previously played in England). We thought it was slightly below York, but it turns out we may be a little further north, at least that's how it looked on his iPhone.

Steph then discreetly got us out as we were pretty much annoyinmg the poor man who must be shatterred after performing and working all day and we came home.

So I don't usually have the luck to grab tickets to big names who play at small venues, and I have never met anyone that much a celebrity in my life before, so this was a big thing for me…added to that I am a big fan – this was in fact HUGE…

Still buzzing…

I would have been buzzing from the gig alone which was awesome, but this has added an extra dimension that I will have to call stunning.

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I’m going to put a puppy in mine

So there is a sense that there is a stream of gibberish in some of the posts that I post in here. I personally don't see it, but I am unable to be fully detached from my own stream of consciousness, to use a literary term, without surgery or some serious strong whammoazoola pills.

There is also, noted by others that I know and some of them real people as opposed to the people who live inside my own arguments[1], a sense that this is more prevalent of late.

So is it?

Possibly. Certainly the looseness of style has maybe increased of late, it hasn't really detatched itself too far from being me. What has happened is a little different to this. What has happened is how I approach the tone.

I first started this blog on the behest of my friend, and business partner, Matt, who suggested that we should blog some of the things we see, talk about, do, whatever as it was midly interesting [2]. He suggested we use this system (Vox) because of the technologies under the bonnet and the fact that it crossed into the areas we focus on in industry [3]. When I first started I couldn't get the tone right, it was halfway business (I am the managing Director and I don't want to be too much me, and too much my job and couldn't get the feeling right, I got close but not truly there).

Well since that time a lot of things have happened in my life. The important ones are:

I got married.
My wife has had two miscarriages.
I became hugely busy with work.

But none of that really affected this at all, well it affected me and I didn't blog for periods of time, but it didn't change me so much here [4].

So what did change.

Well, quite simply, I now have a company blog.

I now have a blog that does anything I need to do in regards to me and how I feel in any form of a professional sense. This blog can now reflect me a little more.

And I like the stream and the obscure,
The extreme and the haute coiture
Magic realism that makes you feel
High culture that is surreal

I enjoy consciousness in the raw. I love Carter, Bond, Carroll, Izzard, Python, Princes of Denmark and the links betwixt them all, so that I can sleep in death of Alice in Prague have a maritime owl and still know that the only way to reduce the amount of crime is to reduce the number of laws we have…

"Who hasn't set fire to a public building, I know I have"

So I started to relax my style in here, or maybe I started to tighten my style, depends on which side of any particular fence you want to stand. Certainly I knew that in this blog I could be the other me, the 'less professional' one perhaps. What is more pertinent to me is it is the me who studied literature not because he wanted a degree but because he wanted to read books and to know more about the subject.

I also wanted to write with another of my voices and one which is closer to how sometimes my mind goes when i really let it off the leash to wander.

So if this is harder to follow and wierd to read and is in your good opinion a piece of shit, then that's fine.

if I was pointing business people to it as my professional blog, I would care about that.

But I am not.

I still point people at it, and I don't hide it from professionals. I link to this blog from my professional blog and vice-versa. I have a link to both from my homepage. I am not hiding myself. I am simply being more me, I guess.

What makes me happy, is that I am writing more so anyways I don't really mind…

Actually…I do…I watch other people watching me dance…I care what they think….but, I don't care enough for it to matter….and I certainly will not stop dancing

 [1] Okay so it seems that I need to explain this a little. I am not mad. Well, I am no more mad than anyone else who is considered sane (or not . . . well within reason, I am certainly extremely eccentric – but possibly not as I am not rich enough to be truly eccentric). What I am is open to myself. I often construct arguments in different voices sometimes in my head, and also sometimes outside of my head if I want to speak out loud. It isn't that I have any form of multiple personalities (that I am aware of), it is more that I argue the issues I see from different perspectives and sometimes I like to let them take a hold and vocalise concepts or run with thoughts out loud. Okay, maybe that is mad, meh, don't actually care, people can laugh at you if you dance badly, but it is only when you learn to laugh at yourself that you no longer really care, and have you seen them dance?

[2] Though his is always very interesting.

[3] And that is a much bigger conversation to cover here.

[4] THIS IS A LIE. In truth it really is. Of course I changed, marriage miscarriages, work pressures, of course they change you. Let's face it, the smallest comment in an early morning can change you. What I meant is that they didn't change how I approached writing in here.

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The general shape of a smile

A friend of mine recently started to live the… prophecy, or prediction, or simple extrapolation of regular sequences or…(insert own vagueness)…whatever that I had mentioned some time before. What actually happened is he got older.


Who is he?
What is the context?
What did I say originally?
What is he doing?

Tell me more, tell me more
Was his life in distress
Tell me more, tell me more
Did he put on a dress

It doesn't matter, that is all irrelevant.

And actually this would would not be as odd as his otherwise (sideways and Samwise) general behaviour would indicate as he often goes to Goth nights in a skirt. As dear reader thus far, the man is a slut, a wild and long hairy slut, a young and prodigious slut. Dress sense, like attitude, is whatever – if I look good, I feel good, I am good…I am god…

But he started to live what I said.

Actually it was more time than the immediate recent, but some things were noticed and said that were more prevalent in the past short period, a few en (to mean 'n'), a few en times the square of something or another in a value of metrics – that we can apply as time but is in fact entropy recorded and seen in its passing – which gives some actual sense of being recent but may be some considerable time if recorded in seconds or calculated in relation to the lifetime of a wasp.

He started to be some of the things I knew he would be.

Did I shape them?

Well in any real sense, of course I did. I am not blowing any form of brass instrument but it is inconceivable that my exist was denied in absolutely. But that's not the sense of affairs in which I am discussing.

What I did was to perhaps lay a seed, or maybe it would be better to add the point that this person already has the seeds within them and they are already sowed and the feed tilled and fertiliser laid down with sunlight water and all the gubbins in place…. in other words the mechanisms were all there…

What I did was recognise them….

What I did was see that they had a way forward that this person was almost compelled to follow…

Because they constantly try:

not only to be better;
not only to refine themeselves;
not only to live up to the person they are;
not only to live up to the person people see themselves as;
not only to the ideal others place in them;
not only to the things they already do;

But to all of these and more.

I actually did very little. I sawe a process that was already happening and I commented on the thing that was easiest to note…

And yes, when you read this, you look better and more comfortable in a shirt -AS WELL- [important emphasis] – these days.


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Sometimes it is better to have things that went before and sometimes it isn't. You learn from experience but are also marked by it, that can be a distinguishing or disfiguring mark.

Like owning a cat we can allude.

it isn't always the best choice to become so attached to a creature that has a shorter lifespan than your own (potentially) – and certainly faces a greater number of risks.

One could be abstract, and I guess it is best to be, but you still are affected which draws with it effected (into some action or response).

I don't know.

All I do know is how I feel.

I have no words for that…

right here…

right now…

right here…

right now…

-my apologies to Norman-

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