Books in April

Okay, rather dull but here is a list of the books I read in April. It seems like quite a lot but to be honest most of them were very easy to read (some graphics novels and some TV tie-ins aimed at teenagers). But I read them and this year I decided to record any book I read so here they are:

Doctor Who and the Hand of Fear Doctor Who  Warriors of the Deep

These first two – whose pictures do not load from Amazon – are Doctor Who: Warriors from the Deep and Hand of Fear – the first is a Fifth Doctor story and the latter is a Fourth Doctor. Both of these were adapted by the solidly dependable Terrance Dicks.

Next up:

Doctor Who: the Banquo Legacy Doctor Who: Vanishing Point (Doctor Who)

Doctor Who: Banquo Legacy and Vanishing Point. Both of these are new novels set during the reign of the Eighth Doctor. They are both solid books, though I must say I enjoyed Vanishing Point more. It wasn't that it was better written as both books had very competent authors, it was that the Banquo Legacy is part of a series of linked adventures and due to the majority of the book being told through memoirs from two of the supporting cast we are not let into what is happening with the Doctor and Fitz so it feels very distant and abstract and in fact about 100 pages are pointless to the story because of this. Unfortunate really as I liked the conceit of it being two narratives from two points of view I just hated the fact that since I haven't read these in order most of the conversation/events of this other plot made no sense.

And finally:

Y: The Last Man Vol. 5 - Ring of Truth Y: The Last Man Vol. 2 - Cycles Y: The Last Man Vol. 1 - Unmanned Y: The Last Man Vol. 4 - Safeword Y: The Last Man Vol. 3 - One Small Step

I read the first five novels of the "Y: The Last Man" series. This is a great series of comics and lots of fun. There are elements in this story that do jar quite horribly with me, I think some of the stereotypes on display are too much a caricature and become unwieldy clichés, but the writers do like to mix the events up a notch. Basic premise is great, some cataclysm has destroyed the men on the planet except for a loan bloke and a monkey. Only one unrealistic point is the fact that he didn't die after two months from exhaustion.

That wraps up the books for April, May seems me move onto something a little heavier in terms of Sci-fi – but since I got a parcel containing a lot of Doctor Who books gleaned by my sister from second hand stalls I guess it may have some of those as well.

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