I am fascinated by Jelly Fish when you see them in aquariums. It is something about the movement that tantalises my attention, I find it rhythmically enticing, it lures me towards it. Thankfully I don’t do scuba as I would likely end up in a swarm of them being stung into oblivion.
There is also something repugnant about them, they look like they have mucus strung from them, as if a shark sneezed and it swam away. I find this intriguing as well.
So they are hitting something on a boundary between fascination or enticement and revulsion or fear when I see them, perhaps that contradictory state, ambivalent in some ways, it what draws me in closer.
The angler and the lure…
I was just successfully fished by a creature with no brain, awesome. A bit of video from Blackpool Sea Life Centre follows: