Tagged: geotagged
Last night’s dinner…
Angry Woman
Travel Tales 2: Lisbon 1: Tram-tastic
I can thoroughly recommend traveling via tram if you visit Lisbon. It is totally tram-tastic fun 🙂
First off make sure you choose an older tram, the new trams are nice and have air conditioning but the older trams have more fun routes. For instance the number 18 to Belem has to travel up a series of steep inclines (we caught it upto the palace). as it traverses the narrow streets and sharp turns pedastrians scatter and motorists risk life and fender to avoid the great metal monsters.
On one incline we passed a car that had parked a litle too close to the tramlines. The tram driver didn't pause, didn't sound a horn, didn't do anything but slow slightly so as not to derail before easing past to the accompanying squeal of metal as side of car met large iron bumper. There was more than one smiling face as locals and tourists alike looked out if the window to admire the artistry.
Grab a travel card from a local kiosk for unlimited travel on the many trams, buses and metros.
la biere d’amour
Travel Tales 1: The Road is long……
It is somewhat shy of five in the morning and we are jetting along a slick motorway avoiding the spray-blindness of trucks as we glide effortlessly past…
on the road…on our way to ride a plane to a foreign land…
I glance to my left and see a wave of low cloud undulate across the hills to the west of the Trough of Bowland it looks as if the sky is struggling to wake beyond it while on my right a poor artist a spilled a muddy grey across the firmament to obscure with bland…
Drifting now I can only think of brighter skies and motorways other and how perspective always forces you to see soft clouds on a sunny day as being parallel to the road ahead. you must have seen this, the illusion happens best if the road is straight with no deviation it seems as if the skies themselves have been marshalled on the manner that the land was regimented to so long ago…
the illusion of waves quickly passes as the grey swallows us up and we burst anew into another realm of thrusting mist,,,
sorrowful eclipses…
Sometimes sadness comes on you at the oddest of moments…it isn't a predictable as an eclipse is, but how predictable is an eclipse without the tables and the maths?
Deep sadness is standing in the line of totality, it is complete blackness. you feel empty and you feel alone.
I guess one could extend the metaphor and use partial eclipses to have those moments of sadness that seem to cloud without fully enclosing us. But, that cheapens, lessens and doesn't really cover the loss of all light and life that you feel when the deep sadness comes over you.
the only consolation is that they are often not that frequent.