Monthly Archive: January 2013

Perfect Skies


It may not be a perfect world but there are occasionally perfect skies. Another Phoster affair with some Snapseed tweaking.

Dark Art Poster


My wife is a fairy who had her wings clipped to stay here, kind of a Little Mermaid deal without the Sea Witch and body mutilation.

Happy – iPad art

I am a compulsive doodler, I like to make little drawings all over the place and delight in strange little images in my notebooks.

Recently I have taken to using Bamboo bad SketchPad on the iPad to do sketches there.

Like most of my doodles they are simple, silly,not very good, but at least performed with gusto. The first long time doodle I did in SketchPad is called Happy and for no other reason than it expresses my intense strangeness I am inordinately proud of it.

I have posted it here because I like it that much, feel free to hate it or laugh at any perceived lack of talent. I personally prefer enthusiasm, as that is mostly what I have in abundance.


Kippers and Poached Egg


Best kippers in the land from the SmokeHouse at Glasson Dock – lightly fried in butter with a poached egg.

Hot Salad


Tuna, Anya potatoes, tomato and red onion on a bed of rocket and spinach.

Jelly Fish

I am fascinated by Jelly Fish when you see them in aquariums. It is something about the movement that tantalises my attention, I find it rhythmically enticing, it lures me towards it. Thankfully I don’t do scuba as I would likely end up in a swarm of them being stung into oblivion.

There is also something repugnant about them, they look like they have mucus strung from them, as if a shark sneezed and it swam away. I find this intriguing as well.

So they are hitting something on a boundary between fascination or enticement and revulsion or fear when I see them, perhaps that contradictory state, ambivalent in some ways, it what draws me in closer.

The angler and the lure…

I was just successfully fished by a creature with no brain, awesome. A bit of video from Blackpool Sea Life Centre follows: